Wednesday 30th April 2014

What did we get up to this week?

As usual lots of laughter and chatter as we gathered around for yet another lunch. Now and again Jennifer makes the most scrumptious trifle.  Today was one of those days.  If you don’t come for anything else you have to come for the trifle. But, you’d better move fast.  You know the saying  ’The early bird…’


Christiane arrived full of the joys of spring.  So, we were treated to a half hour of ‘Tai Chi’.  Gosh!  it makes one feel so good after.


The Watercolour Class and The Poetry Group were in full swing.  The picture seen today is a  watercolour half way through. Hope we can show the finished product at a later date.



T’was good to see the sewing machine being put to good use once again.  A very elegant black skirt was altered to a perfect fit for one of our Toggers, and our cushion covers are coming along fine.

We are making good use of our recycled fabric. (Please donate any good colourful cotton/polycotton  shirts, dresses, blouses, sheets etc. that are gathering dust in your cupboard!


The Highlight of the Day was our nationally acclaimed ‘Nail Technician’.  Well, tell a lie, it was Nicola really!  The ladies were lining up to have their nails beautified.  There is now a backlog.  But don’t despair.  Nicola is coming back to make our nails the Pride of Harrow!


Keep a look out for the next episode of the TOG Saga.