Wednesday 25th February 2015
Two weeks away from TOG was almost too much too bear for some, and it was good to be back again enjoying each others company.
Jayshree came early to help organize the room, and also to help Jennifer lay out the buffet. I think it is her special role now as she has been helping for quite some time. Thank-You dear Jayshree !! You even do it with a lovely smile !!
After greeting one another and catching up on the last couple of weeks we sat down to the wonderful meal that Jennifer prepared for us. She makes us feel so welcome.
Talking about WELCOME..... I have received a beautiful poem from one of our Toggers about TOG.
Take a look at some more of Angela's poetry in ' GALLERIES '
' The Poetry Group' Vernon, Ann and Sian retreated to a quiet corner to read.
Five lovely paintings from Jennifer's group
' Marilyn's Jewellery Group '
Rena busy repairing a garment on the sewing machine.
Our new Knitting Circle led by Elaine
Now it's over and out to our stand in ' Art &Craft Instructor' Mr Naresh Lathia.
Look in the ' Galleries ' for more of these ' Elephant Clocks '. Designed and created by the ' Art & Craft Team '
We'd all had a break from TOGs for a fortnight so everyone was rearing to get going with the activity of the day. The group enjoyed the painting flags of nations on hardboard cut outs of an elephant, on Wednesday.
Since a pure white paint was not to hand an Apricot colour was settled for. When dry all the elephants looked 'pink' and were ready to 'fly' off. But hang on this was not going to be possible till the flags were painted on. So the group was set to work as they all did enthusiastically choosing the flags to paint depending on personal preferences. Jayshree chose the flag of India, Lisa said Switzerland was for her, David braved it with USA, Nicola liked the French Tricolour, Karen said it was the Union Jack for her and so on.
The tables were laid out with brushes of all sizes and shapes. Acrylic tubes of paint added colour to the pre-printed flags, on A4 sheets, to paint from. No diplomat should be offended if we got the colour slightly incorrect to their National Standard.
Brushes, glasses of water to washes the brushes, masking tape, tracing paper etc. were flying left right and centre for the next hour or so as all got busy. Some brush strokes went smoothly laying the paint on others dabbed it on for special effects while one even tried to create a weave pattern from the brush strokes. The cups of water, to wash the brushes, were soon resembling messy cups of tea and coffee, reminding me of green tea and black coffee.
People were seen running in and out of the Ladies and Gents. It was later discovered they were drying the paint under the air dryers, to finish before anyone else. Thanks so much to Brian who gave a hand with drilling the holes in the centre of each flag/elephant. Bless him! The clock mechanisms were kindly fitted to each flag/elephant by Lisa, with very deft hands.
There were some 12 happy faces, in the group altogether, as they got something to take home with them today. It was something they had made themselves. It was something that they can hang in their living room to show others the sign of their achievement. A very proud day for this dirty dozen, but dirty only with the odd blob of paint they might have accidentally spilt.
Yes, we each had a flag to fly (if not the pink elephant). As for the time, well we are still wondering where that flew! And now I too must fly and allow you a rest from all the 'flies'.
Written by Naresh Lathia
Next TOG will be on the 11th March ( so it's going to be very close to ' Mothers Day ' lets get on our thinking hats ).