Wednesday 27th May 2015

Another Wednesday enjoyed by all.


Ann sets this table up every week. We sign in as we enter the room. Some people bring a little gift for the raffle we hold.  Buying a ticket is not compulsory, but it does put a smile on your face when you win a prize.


Jennifer made us a truly wonderful lunch. Thank- you to those who paid their £2 into  the ' Honesty Box '. It really means that we are able to continue with the afternoon' s activities and the food and drinks that are supplied.



The Craft Table was first to get going.  Over to Naresh to tell you all about it.

The activity for the day was ' Painting by Numbers '.  Trish very kindly had a framed sign to say that it was to be led by Naresh !  Thanks Trish !

The activity was to paint a picture which is divided into small areas with numbers.  These depend on the colour that needs to be in that area.  A picture too is provided for guidance.  This is a very good way to start painting as it can be done by selecting a colour and ' filling ' all areas with the same number.  So number ' 1 ' can be red ' 2 ' could be green and ' 3 ' may be blue.  This is also defined/stated/given on the pre-painted picture.  Unfortunately the containers of the paint supplied with the kits were dried up.  This meant resorting to a spare store of acrylic paints.

All 10 of the kits were quickly grabbed by the enthusiastic painters who had taken their places before I had time to finish my lunch.  It was such a surprise as I was worried about the interest in this simple way to paint. As the activity picked pace there was water tumblers,paints,paint brushes, tissues flying about.  Some people had to be restrained from squeezing too much paint onto the paper plates for immediate use.  Acrylic paint dries quickly.  Oil paints in comparison take days to dry out.  The paper plates with pea sizes paints were a sight in themselves.



Jennifer's 3rd and final Charcoal Drawing Class. Really messy but a great deal of fun !!!!  It's back to Watercolours when we return.



Marilyn's group is always so relaxing. She is so patient with everyone, and always seems to find the most colourful and unusual beads to work with.



Rina giving Mez a few tips on the Sewing Machine. If you want to know how to replace a broken zip, shorten a pair of trousers or even make your own curtains we have our girl on hand to help out.

Angie rounded off the afternoon with her ' Dance and Exercise Class '
Great shame we never took any pictures. Must remember next time !!!

Sorry folks ' NO TOG '  for two weeks. We are back on the 17th June.
