Wednesday 30th March 2016
It's been a hectic month and unfortunately with all the meetings about the Bridge and other stuff taking up so much of my time I have decided to just enter a load of photos showing some of the work that has been done at TOG during this month of March.
Mini Blackboards.....
Michael made an Easter Cake....He did a great job !!!
Peter came to judge the colour-in competition from the Rethink 2016 calender. Peter had won the September entry for a colour-in drawing.
He said that all the paintings were very good and it was hard to pick a winner. There were only 3 prize calendars to give away so in no particular order the winners were Anusha, Michael and Hema. So well done guys!!!! A big thank-you to everyone who took part and also to Peter for coming along and making this the highlight of the day.
Those flowers were so impressive...well done Hansa for taking a great craft class.