Wednesday 8th July 2015

Seems ages since the last blog post. Hope all of you are well and enjoying the lovely weather.  My son who lives in Spain says it's 40deg. in the day and calms down to 30deg. at night, so I guess we mustn't grumble too much when it gets hot here.

I am not going to write too much today as our work will tell all.


The craft chosen today was ' Silk Painting '.  The hardest part is learning how to master the ' Resist Technique '.  This involves using a type of paste which is piped onto the material either from a tube or a cone and is similar to icing a cake using a very fine tip. The fun part is painting the silk once the resist is dry. The paint moves on its own but will not go past the resist ( so long as the resist has been put on correctly ).  As one can clearly see in some of the paintings below the paint has seeped through. 



' Sunflowers in Bloom '  What a wonderful choice on such a beautiful sunny day.

The painters picked up the brushes and did some great work here today. Jennifer as always on hand to give advice.

Here is what they were asked to paint. Aren't they a picture !!!



Just look at Marilyn so very happy in her work. Wish I'd had such a jolly teacher when I was at school. 

These are gorgeous !!



This table is busy most of the afternoon.  Rena is so kind helping others to sew, make and mend.  Do ask her advice. She is always there to help solve any sewing problems you may have.

At about 3.30pm every week we start packing away.  But .... don't go home yet everyone as Angie holds a ' Dance and Exercise ' class till 4pm. So for those that want to please feel free to join in. It's so much fun. 

So another Wednesday afternoon ends. 
