Wednesday 15th July 2015

Jennifer was unable to attend TOG this week, but still found time to prepare a beautiful meal for us.  So thanks for that Jen. Hansa very kindly stepped at the last minute to  the lay the wonderful spread on the Buffet Table for us to indulge.
Many thanks Hansa it would have been very difficult without your help.

It was Mary's turn in the kitchen so another thank-you is in order. Thanks Mary and Ann for keeping things ticking over.

And as we are about it. Thank-You Miguel for continuing to keep this website up to date. He works very hard behind the scenes

Everyone missed Jennifer's Watercolour Class. But as usual there is always something to keep us busy.

It was Joan's birthday so we gathered round the Poetry Table to sing ' Happy Birthday '. We gave her a card and everyone had a small slice of her cake.


Marilyn and her team got stuck in and came up with some really nice bits today.


Today we tried out  ' FABRIC  PRINTING '.

Fabric Printing is such great fun. No artistic ability needed. So there's no excuse for anyone to say ' Can't do '. It can be as simple or as artistic as one would like. Everyone ends up with a great print. 

A ' hand print ' isn't supposed to be perfect. If you want a perfect print head to the nearest computer and printer to produce something that won't give you the same amount of satisfaction.

All were pleased with their end results. The fabric was large enough to make up the front of a cushion cover.

As usual the afternoon ended with some exercise. Two sessions today. First Christiane  took ' Tai Chi '  and then  Angie had ' Exercise with Music and Dance '.

Hope everyone enjoyed a good rest after that exhausting half hour.

We have a guest ' Craft Lady' next week.  Her name is Dorethea. I'm sure you will all make her welcome and enjoy working with her.
