May 2016

Hi Everyone,

We have had a great month with loads of stuff to keep us occupied. The banners that TOG made were used for the 'Save the Bridge' campaign in Harrow central.

We can now relax for a while because The Bridge has been saved. Some of the people that use the services of the Bridge organised a party to celebrate.

'Don't Fret' ( the Guitar group ) and 'UkCan' ( the Ukulele group ) joined forces with the 'Bridge Music group' to make the party go with a swing.

It was a beautiful day so the party was held in the garden. David Perry and another four people from the council came to join in the fun.

Thank you to all those at 'TOG' who helped in any way.

Now let's see what you lot got up to this month......

These are just a few of the photos taken in May.




Anusha's mum stepped in to take a JEWELLERY CLASS because Marilyn was away.



Well this month we had a go at making a paperback 'Bird Cage'.

In this craft we recycled some old paperback books. We have had a go at this project before because it is soooooo....therapeutic.

Hansa took the class because she loved doing this and stepped in to help out.

Every page ( about 300 ) have to be folded. It takes a long time....but it's worth it if you have the motivation.....and suffice to say these guys kept going.

This one is comes the fun putting all the bits and pieces on.


Find a few sheets of music, a scanning machine with a printer and some good coloured pencils and voila!!! We had some fun using this medium to make some great pieces of artwork. No....we aren't cheating ...we're just having a great time trying other ways of working with the tools we have.




Some of the group taking a break while Lisa grabs a cuppa!!!!

On top of all this Christianne showed some people how to make some beautiful origami birds.....gave some French lessons and of course did some Tai Chi.

Jennifer also did a walking group with a few people.

It's been a hectic month with plenty of activities to keep us busy.

Hope to see you at Munch and Mingle on Friday 3rd June.

Next TOG June 8th

Patricia x