June 2016
June went by in a flash......The turn out every week was very good.....There were plenty of Arts and Crafts to keep people busy....and lots of good food to keep everyone satisfied.
Talking about food.....Thought we'd take a few photo's of the buffet.
Jennifer puts out a wonderful spread every week. You won't be disappointed
We have an ' Honesty Basket ' at the table and ask everyone to contribute £2 for eats and as much tea, coffee or soft drink as you like...so it's a pretty good deal.....the best deal in Harrow....
Jennifer keeps everyone engaged week after week. Below some artwork done this month.
CATS! CATS! CATS! Nothing more said...
Ever heard of ' Pop Cakes? ' Well we made some, take a look at the process...
They were sooooo... yummy
Managed to get a photo of some jewellery made by Marilyn and her team.
One afternoon we made some rings and pendants from Fimo Clay
Yes...The poetry group are still here....they are so engrossed they didn't even look up to have their photo taken.
And this lively lot are led by our very own Christianne..... TAI CHI at its best...go-girl!!!
Also just to remind any newcomers....UkCan are here every week....anyone who wants to learn the Ukulele please come along and join our tutor Lisa and her class.
That's all for now folks....one final thing Munch & Mingle will meet on July 8th at 2pm at The Moon and Sixpence Hatch End. See you there!!